It is easy for the boy who dipped his toe in the water to claim he went swimming, but the full experience comes from the swimmer who had to tread the water and fought the current, overcome his fears and rose to the occasion. ​
From eating nothing but bread and butter with watered down cocoa for dinner, walking miles to and from school or work; over worked and under paid, praying that by some miracle you don't have to choose between robbing a bank to survive or just giving up on life. These are real life struggles that can not be experienced from dipping our toes in the water.
Having served my Country, State, and City in a Military and Law Enforcement capacity, I have seen a lot of injustice, not only in the justice system but in our municipalities and what America once stood for. The misuse of taxpayer money has degraded the ability of our government system to prioritize what is most important, its people.
I have walked a mile in the shoes of those in my community and understand life from their perspectives. From low income to multiple jobs, from understanding prisoners to fearing for the safety of those around me, and from being served to serving, in every case “No one should be left behind.”
“No one gets left behind,” is an echo of who we are as superior species, it means “family” whether in the Disney version or military aspect, THIS is why I am joining the political fray. We pay our dues to Uncle Sam, but our voices remain silenced by our financial status, our education, our employment, even our gender, and ethnicity, not because we don’t care about what is happening around us, but because we are being overlooked and forgotten.
Justice needs to be served ethically, Taxes are for the citizens of the community, Education is a right, not a burden, Laws should equal freedom, and Life remains unalienated. THAT is “Liberty & Justice” for ALL, not just the rich, businesses, the educated, politicians, or the able bodies, it is Liberty and Justice for ALL.